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CenCal Referee Seminar with Justin Meehan     Aug 26, 2017
The Fencing Center of San Jose: San Jose, CA Coach Justin Meehan, a Certified Referee Instructor, will conduct the seminar on Saturday, August 26 from 9:00 - 5:00. A tournament to allow the attendees to practice and be observed on Sunday, August 27. Register and Pay via askFRED Today!
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   Map to 1290 S. 1st Street San Jose CA 95110
posted 07/17/2017
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Central California Division Announces a Referee Seminar with Justin Meehan

The Fencing Center of San Jose is hosting a referee Clinic for all 3 weapons. Saturday will be an 8 Hour referee clinic with Justin Meehan. The following day will be a referee observation day. The Seminar and observation day are a prerequisite for written exam required for referee ratings.

Class: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Location: The Fencing Center of San Jose
1290 S. 1st Street
San Jose, CA 95110

The price for this clinic is $75 per person. Please bring cash or check, made out to “Central California Division USFA” as well as a sack lunch.
There are a few restaurants within walking distance to TFC.

There are a couple of rules that USA Fencing is enforcing.

1. If you are 18 years old or older, you must be a professional Member of the USFA including passing the online background check. The Good news is that if you renew your memberships now, it will go through next season!!!!

The Bay Cup has offered to reimburse you for your professional memberships ($35.00) if you agree to help ref a few Bay Cup tournaments and get listed on the Bay Cup's online referee list. e-mail for more information.

2. You must also take the free Online Safe Sport Training.

Please e-mail your completed Safe Sport Certificate and your new USFA Professional Membership cards to


If you referee FOUR Central California Division Tournaments, you will be Reimbursed $50.00.

The written test is now offered online.

Please make sure that you have adequately prepared by going through the Study Guide:

Attending an official FOC-sanctioned clinic is a prerequisite for attempting the written exam. Once a passing score (90%) has been achieved on the written exam (both the general section and one or more weapon-specific sections) a referee receives a rating of "P" in each weapon passed. Further ratings improvements (1-10) can be obtained at a later date by being evaluated in a practical setting at tournaments.

The lecture and question and answer format on Saturday will provide a broad understanding of the role, responsibilities, and duties of a referee. It is not a study group for test preparation. It is expected that participants will have read the study guide and come prepared with a willingness to learn how to be a better referee and fencer.

The cost of the clinic is $75/person.


Additional Resources:
In Preparation for the Clinic, here is a great series of videos on youtube that offer lots of advice and support for Referees.


Who should attend:
- Aspiring referees - who want to learn how right of way and rules are being applied at a national and international level
- Athletes - who want to improve their games and get a more complete understanding of their sport
- Coaches - who want to maintain their grasp of current interpretations and rules updates
- Parents - who want a better understanding of tournament format and the basics of sport fencing for their children
- Current referees - who need to fulfill their yearly requirement for seminar attendance or further their personal development

------------------ Important Info: -------------------
Clinic: Referee Seminar with Justin Meehan
Date(s): 05/20/2017
Location: The Fencing Center of San Jose

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