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Oregon Division Summer National Qualifiers Apr 20, 2013 - Apr 21, 2013
Oregon Division members are invited to qualify for Summer Nationals. Only Oregon members may compete. Proof of USFA membership is required. If you are auto-qualified for the SN, you are still encouraged to fence! (Fees waived for you.)
NorthWest Fencing Center: Beaverton, OR
posted 01/06/2013
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Join us for the 2013 Oregon Division Summer Nationals Qualifiers. The Summer National Championships are held each year around the first week of July.

Doors open at 8:30 AM; Registration and equipment check opens at 8:45 AM. Times listed are "close of registration." A delicious lunch will be offered for $5 that includes main course, drinks, chips, dessert, etc., (different menu each day) so plan to eat here at the tournament.

Fencers that wish to fence in two events on the same day must report to the strip when called or they may be scratched from the event. We will try to accommodate people as best we can, but we will not delay events if a fencer is still fencing in another event.

All competitors must be current (2012-2013) members of the USFA and must be members of the Oregon Division; fencers from other divisions are not eligible to compete. Y14 fencers must fall in that age bracket OR the athlete must be on the national rolling point standings in the next younger age bracket.

Permanent residents who have not represented another country in the last three years may participate. If you are auto-qualified for the SN, you are still encouraged to fence! (Fees waived for you, please still register on AskFred by deadline.)

BRING YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD! All fencers must be current USFA members and be able to provide proof of membership. You may complete the application at the door, however the division STRONGLY encourages you to apply on-line at before the event and print out the receipt to show as proof of membership. Members without proof of membership will need to pay for another membership at the door. One-day memberships are not valid for this tournament.

In each event, the top 25% (rounded up) who were not previously qualified (i.e. through a ROC) will qualify for SNQ, with a minimum of 3. If 3 or fewer fencers show up for an event, the event will not need to be fenced for qualification purposes (it can be fenced for the sake of awarding medals.) Fencers that earn qualification at the DIV II events will automatically for the corresponding DIV III events event (if rating-eligible.)

Pre-registration on FRED is REQUIRED by 11:59pm on Friday night, April 12, 2013. Also, please remember that we only accept cash or checks at Division events - NO credit/debit cards.

Fees: Discounted registration fees are $15 per fencer, plus $10 per event (i.e., a total of $25 for one event) for those that preregister on AskFred by the deadline. After this time, fencers are welcome with late fees, if board notified prior to midnight of 4/18.

If you want to both register for the tournament and the event in the week following the deadline, triple reg fees ($45) and double event fees ($20) will apply. If you are pre-registered on-time but want to add another event after the pre-reg deadline, double event fees for that event will apply (i.e. $20 per event.) Walk-ins the weekend of the event (i.e after 4/18): $90 registration and $60 per event. Save yourself money and pre-register in time.

If you are auto-qualified for your desired event at the SNQs (i.e. Div 2 men’s foil), you are still encouraged to fence! (Fees waived for you for that event, but please still preregister on Askfred by the deadline. Please consult with bout committee at check-in to see if your presence will be needed.) Registration fees are non-refundable, but the per-event fees will not be charged if an event is not fenced.

Full USFA regulation uniform is required, including plastron, knickers, and knee-length socks. No jeans or sweatpants allowed. Names on the uniform are not required for the qualifier.

Each fencer will be required to have two working electric weapons, lame and/or conductive mask (if needed), and two working body cords/head cords. To facilitate the equipment check, division volunteers will be present the evening of April 19 at the NWFC from 6-7:30 to check the equipment of fencers who are competing Saturday. If you are fencing Sunday, please come by on Saturday to get your stuff checked and approved, and help us reduce lines the day of your event. Thanks!

------------------ Important Info: -------------------

Tournament: Oregon Division Summer National Qualifiers
Date(s): 04/20/2013 - 04/21/2013
Location: NorthWest Fencing Center
For directions, visit

------------------ To Preregister: ------------------
Preregistration closes on 04/12/2013

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