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Friday Foil Open Bouting Sep 18, 2020
Open Bouting in Foil limited to 13 Fencers. FRED being used for RSVP. No walk ins without either registering or contacting Doors at 8pm bouting until people are done.
Salle Palasz: Catonsville, MD
posted 08/31/2020
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Open Bouting in Foil limited to 13 Fencers. FRED being used for RSVP. No walk ins without either registering or contacting

Doors at 8pm bouting until people are done.

Baltimore County is now requiring masks for all indoor activities therefore masks will be worn throughout practice. We have the Leon Paul fencing mask inserts (compatible with all masks) available on site for $2.

Floor Fee $10; Free for members

To make things more convenient for people you can now pre-pay your floor fee by paypal.

We have also added a temporary discount for our associate membership. We understand a lot of clubs aren't active during COVID re-opening, and people are going from place to place. We have an associate membership for people who want to fence here while retaining a primary membership elsewhere.

Normally it's $60 per month if you're committed to 12 months.

For August, September and October we're discounting it to $45. You can pay by paypal for a single month, for all three months, or subscribe to pay monthly for three months.

This allows you to come for open bouting any night we are having bouting. Since we're offering at least two nights per week for each weapon this can save you money over the floor fee.

So if you're looking to get some bouting in, whether your club is available or not, we wanted to make this option available to people in the community, to get good bouting with cool people from various clubs in a nice setting.

Links are included for the floor fee, or the discounted associate membership option.

Associate Single Month Discounted

Associate Three Months Discounted

Associate Member 3 Month Subscription Discounted

Floor Fee Single Night

Events Scheduled:
Mixed Limit 13 fencers Foil

Safety Measures

1. We're only allowing quarter capacity for the summer camp instead of the recommended half capacity.

2. We have a germicidal fogger to clean the club.

3. We have bulk industrial size bottles of hand sanitizer spread throughout the club.

4. Touchless antibacterial soap dispensers and touchless paper towel dispensers are in the bathrooms. There are now four bathrooms available instead of just the one.

5. We are requiring masks as people enter the club, and when they’re leaving the club. Masks are not required during fencing activity. I have worn my mask while giving some lessons but not for bouting, and wearing it during the activity was fine. So if fencers are more comfortable wearing a mask while drilling and doing physical activity that is an option they can elect.

6. Social distancing will be encouraged and maintained outside of drill activities and fencing. We will avoid drills and games with high contact components.

7. We are not permitting spectators or visitors during club activities in order to keep the number of people in the space low. Parents are encouraged to drop off fencers for activities rather than to remain at the club.

11. We have set up a system at entry to avoid people congregating in the entryway. It directs people to hand sanitizer and a sign in log when they’re entering the club.

12. We are maintaining a sign in log to track who is at the club when.

13. We have two water bottle filling stations so fencers can safely get water without using the traditional water fountain.

14. We will limit capacity in changing rooms to also maintain social distancing.