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Collegiate Style Team Challenge Aug 29, 2021
Unsanctioned Team Event using IFA format for pools, and NCAA format for DEs. $120 per team. Teams of 3 or 4 people limited to 6 teams.
Salle Palasz: Catonsville, MD
posted 07/23/2021
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Collegiate Fencing Events sometimes use formats less familiar to fencers outside college. Here is an opportunity to experience the format used at the Collegiate National Championship. Great opportunity for college teams to practice and for high school and adult fencers to learn a new format!

Unsanctioned Team Event using IFA format for pools, NCAA format for DEs. $120 per team. Teams of 3 or 4 people limited to 6 teams.

Fencers must create teams of 3 fencers, they may optionally include 1 alternate.

For pools fencers assign their strongest fencer to their A spot, their mid fencer to their B spot, and their weakest to their C spot.

All A spot fencers fence in a pool, B slot fencers in a pool, and C slot fencers in a pool. The number of bout victories each team has from pools will seed the DE bracket.

The top 2 A pool fencers, top B pool fencer, and top C pool fencer will also advance to an individual championship round.

DEs will be fenced in the bracket using a best of 9 five-touch bout format. Example, Team 1 versus Team 4, each fencer fences a five touch bout against each fencer on the other team. The first team to win 5 bouts wins and advances to the next round.

If an alternate is present the alternate must be subbed in permanently in the pool round. No fencer may fence in more than one slot (A,B,C).

Substitutions may be in and out in the DE round so long as no fencer fences the same person twice. Substitutions must be announced at least one bout before the bout where the substitution will occur.

During DEs each team is allowed 1 time out of 30 seconds per bout. Time outs may be called between "halt" and "fence" but not during fencing action.

Teams may have 1 non-fencing captain or coach in attendance. Fencers may have 1 spectator in attendance.

Events Scheduled:
Mixed Team Epee Mixed Team Foil Mixed Team Saber