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Bozeman October 2021 Tournament and Armory Clinic Oct 23, 2021
Senior, Earn Your E and Novice event. Armory Clinic is for Epees, held concurrently
Bozeman Fencing Association: Bozeman, MT
posted 10/09/2021
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Hosted by Bozeman Fencing Association

Location: Bozeman Fencing Association - 15 Tai Lane.

Covid vaccinations are encouraged. If you have covid symptoms, stay home. Face masks are required at all times in the club including in lobby area and when fencing for all participants, officials, coaches, and spectators. Spectators are requested to maintain social distancing from fencers.

Novice practice event and armory event are a training events for fun, learning, and practice and require a noncompetitive USFA membership for all fencers. Non-fencers (parents) participating in the armory clinic will sign USFA trial membership waivers.

Senior and Earn Your E events are USFA sanctioned and USFA competitive or access membership is required. These events are self-reffed.

Plastron and knickers required for all fencers.

For fencing events: $15/ pre-registration by October 22 at 6pm, $25 if registering day-of.

Armory clinic: $15 for participation, some parts are available for purchase for non-BFA members. Screws, springs, and tips necessary for repair are included in BFA membership.

A limited number of people may use the armory clinic to build a new epee - please let us know ahead of time if you are interested in this - and specify if you would like to build an absolute, folo, or bf blade and we can provide you with a cost accordingly.

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