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Jeffery Kaiser Memorial Open May 23, 2009 - May 24, 2009
Before we moved our club this was the Hutchinson Open at the CAA. We'd like to continue the tradition of it being one of the largest tournaments in the Midwest.
Lakeshore Athletic Club Lincoln Park: Chicago, IL
posted 08/11/2008
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Before we moved our club this was the Hutchinson Open at the CAA. We'd like to continue the tradition of it being one of the largest tournaments in the Midwest.

Saturday 5/23/07

9:00am - Mixed Foil
1:00pm - Mixed Sabre
3:00pm - Mixed Team Foil
4:00pm - Mixed Team Sabre

Sunday 5/24/07

9:00am - Mixed Epee
1:00pm - Mixed Epee Team

Times listed above are close of registration. All fencing will begin approx. 15 minutes after close of registration.

Registration for individual events will be $25, with a $10 fee for each
additional individual event. As per usual, 'A' rated fencers compete for
free at the Hutchinson Open.

For the team events registration will be $45 per team. A team consists of 3
fencers with one alternate. USFA rules for team competition apply.

Seeding for the team event will come directly from the strength of fencers
on the team (calculated by rating).
Late registration for individual events will add $10 per event onto the
registration fee.

Late registration for team events will double the registration cost.

Events Scheduled:
Mixed Epee
Mixed Foil
Mixed Saber
Mixed Team Epee
Mixed Team Foil
Mixed Team Saber

Preregistration opens on 08/11/2008.
Preregistration closes on 05/22/2009.