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CF&F Spring Challenge Youth & Cadet - Foil + Saber Sat 03/23
We are delighted to welcome all participants and parents to CF&F Spring Challenge! The tournament will be an exciting event and a great time for all involved - from referees to competitors, from spectators to coaches. We look forward to seeing you there!
Columbus Fencing & Fitness: Dublin, OH
posted 05/25/2023

  All event times are Close of Registration.
Y10 Mixed Foil      Sat 03/23    reg close: 9:00AM
0 Fencers: 
Fencer Club Rating
Y10 Mixed Saber      Sat 03/23    reg close: 9:00AM
1 Fencers: 1U  could be a NR event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)
Fencer Club Rating
Brodman, Atlan
Y12 Mixed Foil      Sat 03/23    reg close: 1:00PM
1 Fencers: 1U  could be a NR event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)
Fencer Club Rating
Cao, Sean
Y12 Mixed Saber      Sat 03/23    reg close: 11:00AM
0 Fencers: 
Fencer Club Rating
Y14 Mixed Foil      Sat 03/23    reg close: 9:00AM
1 Fencers: 1U  could be a NR event.
(Depending on who shows and where they place. See USFA chart for details.)
Fencer Club Rating
Cao, Sean
Y14 Mixed Saber      Sat 03/23    reg close: 2:00PM
0 Fencers: 
Fencer Club Rating
Cadet Mixed Foil      Sat 03/23    reg close: 12:00PM
0 Fencers: 
Fencer Club Rating
Cadet Mixed Saber      Sat 03/23    reg close: 9:00AM
0 Fencers: 
Fencer Club Rating
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